Hello friends!
I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and are looking forward to the new year and new decade! I have been reflecting on the past year and I am in awe of everything that has happened and everything that we have accomplished together.
A few months ago, I decided to take a huge leap of faith and expand 700 Rivers’ product line and start developing all-natural soaps. Our high quality soaps are made from all-natural materials that are thoughtfully curated with ingredients that are good for your skin with absolutely no unnecessary chemicals. These amazing soaps are handcrafted by Bangladeshi women that have escaped human trafficking and are now working with dignity in a safe working environment, and are guaranteed fair, living wages for their work.
We launched 700 Rivers’ first soap collection in mid-December and have already almost sold out of our initial order! This means we can DOUBLE our next order with our fair-trade partners and increase our impact two-fold. To share the wealth (literally), we took a portion of our profits and made a donation to Dress for Success to help local women get jobs to support themselves. Your purchases are changing women's lives both in our local community and across the world.
I called and you answered. I started taking the steps forward and you all helped me cross the finish line. I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you for supporting 700 Rivers and our wonderful artisans. Thank you for reminding me that we are never alone and that we are all in this together. Thank you for proving that when women support women, we can change lives.
I am elated at how much we accomplished this year and I honestly cannot wait to see what we do together next year!
Until 2020 friends!
All my best,
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