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We couldn't do it without our artisans.

700 Rivers’ artisans are incredibly strong and amazing women that have overcome many obstacles in life. We provide our artisans with a safe place to work, health benefits, and a living wage to support themselves and their families.

Group of 700 Rivers artisans with the founder of 700 Rivers, Catherina Gomes

Meet our artisans.

We employ 20+ artisans in Mymensingh, Bangladesh who have all escaped and overcome human trafficking. Your soap purchases go directly towards continued work for all these women. Thanks for playing a role in empowering women across the globe with a fresh start in life.

Our artisans are inspiring to us all, but most importantly, they are an inspiration to each other. Since each of these women come from a similar background, they provide mutual support and understanding to one another. Working together with other artisans gives each new artisan hope that they can overcome their past as well.

A job is just the beginning.

700 Rivers empowers our artisans with the opportunities needed to support themselves and their families.

Fair, Living Wages

We partner with a certified Fair Trade Organization to employ 22 artisans to handcraft our all-natural soaps and 32 artisans to handcraft our jute paper soap boxes in Bangladesh. All our artisans are guaranteed fair, living wages for their work.

A Safe Workplace

Safety is our top priority. We ensure our artisans are provided with proper protective equipment to wear while producing soaps and work in a well-ventilated area.

Mental Health Counseling

Our artisans receive mental health counseling when they first transition from a life of human trafficking to a life where they can finally live on their own terms. This is not an easy adjustment, so this mental health counseling is the first priority.

Support Groups

Once our newly hired artisans have the chance to meet and work with other women within the organization that have overcome the trauma of their past, it gives each new artisan hope that they can overcome their past as well.

Dignity and Respect

Many of our artisans are met with a stigma due to their past. Within our organization, all artisans are treated with kindness, dignity, and respect.

Growth and Skills

All artisans receive the chance to learn new job skills and grow as a leader. This allows them to build a new, stable career path to support themselves.

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© 2025 700 Rivers
·Made with in Raleigh, NC
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