Hello Friends,
Last week we discussed our origin story and the mission behind 700 Rivers. This week, I’m excited to share all that we have accomplished together so far and more about our future plans!
Since we started on this adventure together two years ago, we have been able to help employ 70 women and divert 57 pounds of textile and agricultural waste from landfills! Your ethical and sustainable fashion choices have helped women across the world and our planet. Thank you so much for all your support in accomplishing these goals with us. However, there are still many more women in dire circumstances that are seeking fair employment through new skills and living wages, and who are trying to break out of the cycle of poverty. This is why we are working to expand our company and create a new branch of 700 Rivers!
More than 140,000 women have been sold into sex work in Bangladesh; 90% of these women are sold to brothels against their will. They spend years of their lives as captives being physically, emotionally, sexually, and mentally abused repeatedly on a daily basis. Of the few that do manage to escape, once they get out, they usually have no work skills and little education because so many of them were taken at a young age. Most women are rejected by or unable to return to their families, leaving them with no support network and feeling all alone. Unfortunately, in these circumstances, with no one to turn to, no way to provide for themselves, and feeling dejected and hopeless, many women end up returning to the very brothels from which they escaped.
700 Rivers is partnering with a fair-trade organization in Bangladesh that helps women that have escaped from sex trafficking. After years of abuse, many women forget their value and worth and feel like their lives are over or not worth continuing. We are working with our partners to help them start over. Our partners provide the women with mental health resources, a supportive community of women that have similar backgrounds and understand each other, and training to teach them new job skills. 700 Rivers is directly working with our fair-trade partners to employ these amazing artisans and create new personal care products.
These all-natural soaps are hand-made by our wonderful artisans that have been given a fresh start at life. Leaving the pain of the past behind, we are working with these amazing women to help them overcome the past and to create a new life where they can support themselves for the first time, earn a fair, living wage, and be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
We currently employ 28 women. Our goal is to keep them employed and eventually increase the number of women we can hire and employ with living wages. We can do this by placing and then increasing our production orders. That is where you can come in! Each of our soap bars represents a new woman filled with hope that was granted a fresh start.
If you want to help support us in our mission, pre-order through this exclusive offer below just for our readers using the link below. The soaps will arrive and be shipped out to you in December, just in time for the holidays! Also, follow us on Facebook and Instagram to know exactly when we launch!
And friends, thank you so much for your support. We really could not have come this far without you.
All my best,
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