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January Glimmers

By Catherina Gomes
January 30, 2024
3 min read
January Glimmers on the 700 Rivers Blog
Hello friends!  
Happy (almost end of) January!  
I hope you all have been so well! My January has been chaotic to say the least. I usually love to start out the new year by reflecting on the previous year, setting goals, creating a strategic plan, and feeling energized to execute! This year started with me sending my little one to daycare as I transitioned back to work, and y’all, my household was hit by PLAGUES!  
Each week was met with new illnesses, multiple doctor visits, and
reminders that every daycare transition starts off this way. At first, that did not help assuage my growing to-do list and my increasing number of unanswered emails in my inbox. However, once I lost count of how many times I had been thrown up on, I embraced that this would be my new normal and readjusted my expectations so I could give my all towards helping my sick babe feel better. Everything else would have to wait. 
As a small business leader and as a wellness brand founder, I
realized I could only change what was in my control and that was the business deadlines I set for myself and my mindset. 
There’s a newer concept of a “glimmer” which is essentially the
opposite of a trigger. 
Glimmers are micro-moments that make
us feel happier, hopeful, safe, and connected
What a beautiful, beautiful thing. I shifted my focus to find all the good. And there was so much to see.   
My parents returned from a trip to Bangladesh and came back with a box of my favorite mistis (sweets)! I ate one paired with a warm, flaky paratha. It tasted like my childhood.   
Drinking spiced chai from this beautiful Cup of Cheer mug from One and Only Paper (one of my favorite local small businesses)!  

Working on 700 Rivers while snuggling a sick baby. During her
sickest days, my mini-me would only sleep for long stretches if she slept on me. I’m so thankful I get to be her source of comfort and her safe space. I love this photo because even though it was the hardest week, it shows us persevering and shows me doing the two things I love the most (holding my baby and working on my business).
The best day though, was a day that I don’t have a picture of to
share. There was a Saturday morning, where my little family of three was all in the kitchen. My husband was standing over the stove, scrambling eggs. I was making coffee with my mini-me perched on my hip. An hour later, I would be meeting with a new 700 Rivers employee for her first day of training! It could have felt like any other Saturday morning. But as I took a mental step back and truly took it all in, I realized I was currently living the life I had dreamed of years ago. A beautiful family and a growing business. I am eternally grateful for this life that I get to live. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being on this journey alongside me. 
As we close this month, I encourage you to reflect on how you are feeling about your month or year so far. Are you also feeling behind or going through a tough time? We’re right there with you friend, but I’m hoping you can also find some time to see the good, even in the smallest of moments. 
What glimmers have you seen or experienced this month? If you’re comfortable, I’d love for you to share them (you can hit reply to this email and your response will come directly to me)! We are going to have a great year friends.  
To mindset shifts, to reprioritization when necessary, and to glimmers.  

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