Hello friends!
I’m writing to you today with a special announcement about growth within 700 Rivers – in more ways than one!
The first news is an exciting personal update. I am pregnant! I am so thrilled and more excited and nervous than I have ever been in my life. As a founder of multiple organizations in my career, I’ve had the opportunity to build many things, but I have never grown anything quite like this before!
My life will drastically change in late June and as a single founder of a small business, I am working on growing the business in order to make sure our operations continue moving while I will be on maternity leave. While I have loved packing up all your online orders, writing a personal handwritten note, and seeing off your packages to the post office, we are expanding to partner with a nonprofit fulfillment center that aligns with 700 Rivers’ values (will share more about their mission soon)! This is a huge step forward for us because we will be able to move our product inventory into a larger warehouse, drastically increase the number of online orders we can ship out daily, and ensure your orders are correct because they won’t be packed by myself when I am a future sleep-deprived mama! There are multiple other steps I’ll be focusing on to ensure the business continues running smoothly throughout my leave and beyond which I’ll happily share as we continue to progress forward.
One of the most beautiful parts of the 700 Rivers community is being able to share all of our milestones together. I am going to share so much more about what this big life change is going to mean for 700 Rivers’ business growth and to scale up our company. But in the meantime, I would love to share in this joy with you all and celebrate this big step in life. I can’t even begin to imagine how my world is going to be turned upside down with the arrival of this new little one but one thing I do know is that I can always depend on this community! All the advice is welcome, any wisdom and encouragement to ease my nerves, and I will especially love to hear things that you remember that you can share that I can look forward to, and your own happiest moments! I’m so grateful you are all here alongside me.
With joy,
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