Hello Friends,
Happy new year to you all! I hope 2020 is your best year yet!
It is already starting out as a great year for 700 Rivers. Because of you, our soap collection launch in December proved to be a great success! We loved seeing your comments of how much you love the quality of the soaps and the photos of you gifting them to your loved ones!
We sold enough soaps between our pre-orders and launch last month to double our next order with our artisans! We just placed our larger order which will provide our artisans with two months worth of more work. Our Bangladeshi partners called it “a New Year’s gift”.
This is incredibly appropriate timing because January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally, 75% of which are women and girls. While this information is hard to hear, awareness is the first step towards action! 700 Rivers’ mission is to empower our artisans, all of which have escaped human trafficking, by helping to provide fairly paid work, a safe work environment, and a dignified lifestyle. We also work with our partners to ensure they gain access to mental health counseling as they work to leave behind the trauma of the past. Thank you for your role in helping us accomplish our mission!
Since we sold out of our initial order much more quickly than we anticipated, it is our turn to give a gift back to you! We are reopening our pre-order option on our website which means you can purchase a set of soaps for 50% off! All soaps will ship out in March 2020.
Our initial launch was an incredible accomplishment but it does not mean we are done. Oh no, we are just getting started! So while we celebrate this amazing success together, will you help spread 700 Rivers’ mission?
Please forward this email to a friend that will resonate with our mission. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! And if you are looking for beautiful all-natural soaps to pre-order at a discount, check out the link below!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
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